

violin for adults

***English below***

作为一名成人乐器爱好者,我从师安娜丽莎零基础学习小提琴,她用通俗易懂的方式激发了我在小提琴启蒙的道路上不断探索自身潜力。对我最为受益匪浅的几点包括:1.注重基本功训练。安娜丽莎会基于Suzuki 的教学方法,从指法,弓型,和音准等方面给予系统性指导;2.善于鼓励又严格要求,每个不完美的发声都要求练习到双倍正确,且对每一次的进步和亮点都给予积极的肯定;3.仪式感和表演能力的培养,安娜丽莎在每年圣诞和夏季都会编排学员演奏会,一方面提升学员们的舞台表演能力,另一方面激发学员们的展现欲望。在成人组的教学过程中,还会组织阶段性的小排练,培养和增进琴友们的配合与音乐感。

As an adult violin player, I started my violin learning with Annalisa from scratch. Her comprehensive way of teaching enlightened me of exploring my future potential largely. If I could take this chance to summarize three highlights which I have obtained from her lesson: 1. Focus on the basic training, including finger-bow coordination, intonation coaching, every basic point based on Suzuki methodology in a systematic approach;

2. Strict and encouraging, for every imperfect sound she requires us to have the double times correctness, cultivating the pursue of perfection, at the same time she always gives us big applause when we make good pieces;

3, performance oriented way of teaching, Annalisa always arranges open concert for us in summer and Christmas, which give everyone a chance for show time; besides adults learners also get the chance for additional workshops, from which we developed our talents for better collaboration and musical inspiration.

Vienna, 19.09.2023

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